Specific EXIF:
Exposure: 1/125 sec at f/3.8
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Specific EXIF:
Exposure: 1/125 sec at f/3.8
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Specific EXIF:
Exposure: 1/125 sec at f/3.8
ISO Speed Rating: 200
Specific EXIF:
Exposure: 1/100 sec at f/5.6
ISO Speed Rating: 400
拍攝地點 (Shot Location): 台北市,陽明山國家公園,陽明公園內的大屯瀑布群 (Waterfalls of Datun in Yangmin Park, Yangmingshan National Park, Taipei, Taiwan)
拍攝時間 (Shot Date): 2007/02/28, 11:05:00-11:06:18
Common EXIF:
Focal Length: 105 mm
Lens: AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED
Camera Model: Nikon D50
Artist: Yen, Yung-Yai
2007年3月1日 星期四
張貼留言 (Atom)
2 則留言:
this is, of course, a 尺蠖.
Thanks for the comment!